New Year's Resolutions for 2002

Revelers wave the American flag as they celebrate the coming of the new
year in New York's Times Square on December 31, 2001. An estimated 500,000
people crowded Times Square under heavy security to watch the 95th annual "ball
drop" marking the end of 2001 and the beginning of 2002.
Geib's 2001 New Year's Resolutions!
It is a new century, but it is the same ol'
Rich Geib! What should I do? Where to go? How to live?
We human beings are ideally rational creatures who can influence
our fortunes by planning and then building our futures. Unfortunately,
it seems in the maelstrom of wrestling with the challenges of life
often we tend to drift and lose sight of the bigger picture --
and I am no exception! Consequently, I take New Year's Resolutions
somewhat seriously as a means towards taking a good look at myself,
deciding where I want to go, and figuring out what needs to happen
to get there. Hence this business of making lists of resolutions
-- which I have done every New Year's Day for some ten years now
-- and forcing myself to spell everything out and to be kept accountable
by making them public.
"The difference between a successful
person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of
knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Vince Lombardi
"Progress involves risk. You can't steal
second base and keep your foot on first base."
YEAR OF 2001
- Keep proving yourself in new job.
Make a home for yourself and build something truly
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Failure
to build awesome curriculum...
- Read each book in the Aubrey/Maturin nineteenth-century seafaring
sequence by Patrick O'Brian progressively, one per every six months.
You have resisted reading these books for years, despite
rave notices from your father. After O'Brian's recent death,
however, you have read so many glowing critiques of these books
by so many diverse commentators that you are ready to give them
a try.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Understanding
unenriched by greatly enriching literature.
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