A young Czech couple kisses as a layer of empty bottles and beer cans covers
the Old Town Square in Prague after the end of the millennium celebrations
on Saturday, January 1, 2000.
Geib's Y2K New Year's Resolutions!
It is a new century, but it is the same ol'
Rich Geib! What should I do? Where to go? How to live?
We human beings are ideally rational creatures who can influence
our fortunes by planning and then building our futures. Unfortunately,
it seems in the maelstrom of wrestling with the challenges of life
often we tend to drift and lose sight of the bigger picture --
and I am no exception! Consequently, I take New Year's Resolutions
somewhat seriously as a means towards taking a good look at myself,
deciding where I want to go, and figuring out what needs to happen
to get there. Hence this business of making lists of resolutions
-- which I have done every New Year's Day for some ten years now
-- and forcing myself to spell everything out and to be kept accountable
by making them public.
"Life is formed from the inside out.
What I am inside determines the issues in the battle of life."
Dr. William Hornaday
"The road to happiness lies in two simple
principles: find what interests you and that you can do
well, and put your whole soul into it - every bit of energy
and ambition and natural ability you have."
John D. Rockefeller III
"Life is a grindstone. But whether it
grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us."
L. Thomas Holdcraft
YEAR OF 2000
- Expand from rudimentary menu of meals you can/do cook.
Excellent start last year, but expand repertoire to
include new and adventuresome meals. Don't be afraid to experiment!
DO keep up the healthy trends with respect to vegetables and
vitamins started last year. Remember: the kitchen can be a place
to explore and play! And remember how cooking for others can
be so enjoyable and rewarding for you.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: I will
remain a beginning chef. I shall drive myself nuts with the
same meals over and over again.
- Fulfil social obligations.
Kauffman's wedding in February; Meg's wedding in March;
Wang's and Phil's weddings in September. The whole world is getting
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Be a
COMPLETE loser and POOR friend and cousin.
- Work-out goals.
Last year was stellar in the aerobic realm, but there
needs to be work done in a couple of areas. You need to keep
up the same high intensity of exercise, but you need to exercise
more intelligently and diversely. Your short-twitch major muscle
groups should be as well conditioned as your heart and lungs.
- Move more into the gym. Drop reps from 12 to 10 and
work towards failure at the end of sets. Bomb your muscles
until they burn and are ready to seize up; rather than
endurance muscle, aim for explosive power. Stagger your
workouts and allow for proper rest, but really push for
harder anaerobic workouts in the gym.
- Keep up the swimming! It feels good afterwards, but
it does not feel natural at the time. But the more you
do it, the easier it will become. As the spring arrives
and the weather gets warmer, swim often in the ocean after
bike rides.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Unbalanced
aerobic-anaerobic exercise life. Failure to move to next
level of work-out regimen.
- Weekend road-trips.
Weekend biking trips along un-populated sections of
California coast. On Saturday bike from downtown Ventura to around
Lake Casitas, then back along the coastline from Carpenteria,
swim in the ocean afterwards to cool down, grab dinner and movie
in town, and then sleep on the beach on Saturday. Repeat in Santa
Barbara and Santa Ynez Valley on Sunday with a lazy dinner at
State St. afterwards. In short, do the following: Soak up the
sun, enjoy the ocean, and drink in with your eyes hundreds of
miles of beautiful SoCal scenery -- all in one weekend.
Moreover, on a three-day weekend a couple of times in the
year 2000, make the bike trip from L.A. to San Diego and
take the train back.
Lastly, try to make at least one visit and bike ride with
Joe Hubbell all the way up in San Luis Obispo.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Failure
to enjoy the year 2000 as much as possible. Failure to suck
the marrow out of life.
- Summer 2000.
One week in Atlanta with John, then bike to North
Carolina and one week with Brent, then bike to Virginia Beach
and one week with Tonya, then bike to D.C. and meet up with (hopefully)
all of them for a day or two. Then fly to Oregon for quality
time with pops and "Hamlet" in Ashland
Shakespeare Festival. Bike home from Oregon?
The languid hours of summer 2000 by day should be spent
sweating and taking in the land as I bike all around the
East Coast; afterwards, evenings should mean talking and
laughing with old friends and family over good wine, good
food, and good music at night. Friendships over on the East
Coast need some attention; it is time to spend some serious
time there. Enough said.
And, lastly, since you read all of Herodotus last summer,
it is now time for Thucydides. Put a copy in your backpack
before you get on the plane. Read it entire over that next
month or two. Just do it.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Failure
to spend extended amounts of time with good friends re-located
to other side of North America. Boredom during vacation.
- Re-adjust the balance between the vita contemplativa and vita
Last year was very "active" -- and that was long overdue
after a long period of overly-bookish living. Now move back into
music and books and try to find an ideal balance. Remember that
it is essentially a question of emotional commitment, concentration,
and intensity of effort. You need to engage seriously and at
length that difficult piece of music or literature and bend your
mind to understand and encompass it! It won't happen off-handedly
or casually -- as you well know. Don't get lazy and allow for
mediocrity in this part of your life.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: How long
has it been since you listened to a Handel chorus or anthem
written by Purcell and it raised you up so high you looked
DOWN on heaven? When did you last read a book of poetry or
philosophy that changed your life? Enough said.
- Goals for music and literature by June of 2000.
In addition to wading through the books you got for
Christmas, buy and read the following: "Patriotic Gore: Studies
in the Literature of the Civil War" by Edmund Wilson, "God and
the American Writer" by Alfred Kazin, One Nation, Two Cultures" by
Gertrude Himmelfarb. Attend the following concerts (with or without
your father): Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23 (Orange County) on
January 19, Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 (UCLA) on January 21,
Beethoven Symphony No. 7 (LAPHIL) on February 24, Bach's Goldberg
Variations (Santa Monica) on February 26, Mozart Piano Concerto
in D Minor (Orange County) on March 23, Mozart Piano Concerto
No. 22 (LAPHIL) on April 20 and 22, Mozart Piano Concerto No.
17 (UCLA) on April 21, Mozart Piano Concerto No. 24 (Los Angeles)
on April 27, Bach's Concerto in C Minor for violin and oboe,
BMV 1060 (LAPHIL) April 28, Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata (LAMozartOrch)
on April 30, Beethoven Piano Trio in C Minor (Los Angeles) on
May 3, Mozart's Symphony No. 33 (LAMozartOrch) on May 13, Mozart's "Don
Giovanni" (San Francisco) on June 3.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Through
pure laziness fail to rise to the occasion and challenge
serious musical and literary ideas and therein process and
make them part of your experience and understanding.
- Make my bed before I leave for work every morning.
Tend to the garden on your home and hearth better!
It takes only a few seconds, but the act will symbolically set
the tenor for the rest of the day. Make home a place you enjoy
to be rather than a location in which merely to park your clothes,
store a bit of food in the fridge, check your e-mail, read books
in bed, and then sleep at night.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Continue
to let daily life grind you down rather than taking it head
on and mastering it. Continue to live like an uncivilized
- Escape from Los Angeles.
11 years in the "City of the Angeles" is more than
enough! You are sick to your stomach of this place, and
a good job is not reason enough to stick it out. You have thought
a lot about this. Now do it. Finally.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Spend
yet another year stuck sitting in pernicious L.A. freeway
traffic surrounded by strangers (re. your neighbors) sitting
in shiny new BMW automobiles talking on their carphones oblivious
to the rest of the world.
- A question to be answered.
What is the main thing you would like to do or have
at this minute? Be honest: teach Advanced Placement humanities
classes in a suburban high school with a good pool, weight room,
and athletic program (and maybe coach a sport?). Be able to ride
my bike through desert valleys and foothills without getting
run over or bogged down in urban sprawl. Be able to go swimming
in the ocean without having to climb over twenty other people
every two-hundred yards. Live a quieter, simpler life on my own
terms in a community that supports you as work your fingers to
the bone trying to teach their children to grow up to become
decent, educated persons.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Same
as previous resolution: Pass another year living life around
rush-hour traffic and escaping most weekends for better,
less populated climes. Why continue to live in a major city
when you no longer appreciate its advantages and after the
disadvantages have long since driven you to distraction?
- Set up some hunting trips.
You have all the required licenses, tags, and training.
So plan a trip (Idaho? Montana?) and enjoy the beauties of nature
with your father.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Quality
time with father not taken advantage of.
- Speak more Spanish.
You no longer live nor work in the barrio,
so people don't speak to you in Spanish anymore on a daily basis.
Remember that it gets harder ever month you spend speaking it
less and less; if you don't you use it, you lose it: you need
to practice if you want to remain fluent. But think how good
it feels when you can finally speak freely for an hour or two
in Spanish and exercise that part of your brain!
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Spanish-language
skills continue to deteriorate. Spanish will eventually begin
to look like a foreign language.
- Take the Graduate Record Exam.
If you want to ever want even to contemplate returning
to graduate school, this is one hurdle to be crossed. Just do
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Option
to attend graduate school unavailable.
- Begin to contemplate perhaps buying a house or condominium.
Not the most enjoyable activity in the world perhaps,
but worth it in the long-run. Begin to think about it.
Consequences of not achieving resolution: Remain
a renter for ever and ever and ever, flushing cash down the
toilet into perpetuity without any equity built up. Not a
pretty sight.
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