"At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you
have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince
you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need
what you lack: Reason and Right."
Unamuno in a confrontation with fascist General Milan-Astray
at the University of Salamanca on October 12, 1936.
Milan-Astray shouted in reply, "Death to intelligence! And long
live Death!" whereupon he drove the elderly Unamuno out of the university
at gunpoint. Writer and independent thinker, original mind and rector
of the University of Salamanca, Unamuno consequently suffered a heart
attack and was dead within a week.
      He was not the only intellectual to fall
victim in that bitter Spanish Civil War better known for its massacres
than for its epic battles or heroism. The conflict was more a fratricide
than a war, with both the Fascist and Loyalist sides steeped in murder
- rifle shots ringing out over the city from dawn to dusk as "enemies" are
lined up against the wall and summarily shot. The Spanish Civil War
was the tragic coming of age for many idealistic young Western intellectuals
like George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway, etc. In retrospect, look at the
following quote from the famous Spanish poet and playwright Frederico
Garcia Lorca, himself murdered by Franco's Fascists in 1936:
"And yet, hope pursues me, encircles me, bites me;
like a dying wolf tightening his grip for the last time."
      That "dying
wolf" closing in for the kill was actually Generalissimo Francisco
Franco himself; his dictatorial reign of the Iberian peninsula after
his victory in 1937 would last uninterrupted until his death in 1975.
The lies and enormous crimes of the tyranny of Josef Stalin would prove
to be an even bigger blow for those Leftists dreaming of a better world
in the mid-twentieth century. "I believed in anti-fascism and international
solidarity and brotherhood and the liberation of man," claims unrepentant
ex-American Communist Party member Walter Bernstein, "and the Soviet
Union stood for all these." The Soviet Union of Stalin (corrupt and
murderous to the bone) stood for all that? In a more cynical age, we
are tempted to see such highly naive persons as dupes - perhaps even
      It is this same boneheaded ultra-idealism
untempered by careful consideration which led Jane
Fonda to travel to North Vietnam towards the greater glory of Ho
Chi Minh, and others to embrace the Nicaraguan sandanistas as
the saviors of that country. To the naive and uninitiated, the presence
of a certain evil in a place logically means that there must be some
corresponding good fighting against it. Real life shows us more often
than not both sides are of varying degrees of evil. Those who "fought
the good fight" in Spain and elsewhere prove that, in the post-modern
age, blind obedience to an -ism will get you killed for no good
reason at all.
      And after the civil war ended many of those
who had fought - or even vociferously supported - the Spanish Loyalist
side (the "communists") were in the United States declared persona
non grata for a perceived betrayal of their country to the enemy
(the Soviet Union). Yes, it was a hard coming of age in the Spain of
the 1930's for so many of those Western idealists used by everyone
- so many who set out with the best of intentions to make things better
only to eventually make them worse. (I do not mean to belittle the
potential for improvement through political action, but to do so like
some untutored youth unlearned in the world's false subtleties is akin
to the lamb going off to the slaughter: Die Politik ist die Lehre
von Möglichen.*) Some of those betrayed emerged from the crucible
of youth chastened and wizened; some kept their eyes closed shut and
stayed that way for the rest of their lives.
      An individual should hold nothing so dear
to him as the independence and integrity of his own thought; and it
is precisely this that has been so violated by "true believers" with
a social agenda, whether they be German Nazis of the Third Reich, or
the Italian or Spanish fascists, quasi-religious "brainwashing" messianic
cults and consequent mass suicides, the Soviet commissars during the
great Stalinist purges, the Red Guards during the schizophrenic "Great
Proletariat Cultural Revolution" in China, the Roman Catholic Church
during the Inquisition, the cult worship of North Korean "Supreme Leader" Kim
Il Sung, the McCarthy anti-Communist witch hunts in the United States,
the inciters of ethnic hatred and civil war in the former-Yugoslavia,
the genocide of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, so many of the radical
fundamentalist Islamic movements and their countless acts of terror,
or a plethora of other scoundrels and atrocities in our time and earlier
which all evidenced such hysterical, erroneous, and dangerously seductive
radical group-think. It is precisely when an individual becomes capable
of explaining away stubbornly inconsistent facts or realities in the
name of hidden "truth" or "dogma" that a person becomes fair game for
demagoguery and savagery.
      It really has nothing to do with the Left
and the Right; the poles of both sides begin of the political spectrum
begin to resemble each other in thuggery when they become extreme.
Look at the following quote by American "black-power" revolutionary
leader George Jackson:
There are thousands of ways to correct individuals.
The way is to send one armed expert. I don't mean to outshout him
with logic, I mean correct him. Slay him, assassinate him with
thugee, by silenced pistol, shotgun, with a high powered rifle
shooting from four hundred yards away and behind a rock. Suffocation,
strangulation, crucifixion...
George Jackson
"Blood in My Eye"
In their natural roles as "warriors," radical revolutionary figures like
George Jackson and Malcolm X have always hated scholarly and skeptical
men of letters and learning like Unamuno. They have truthfully seen them
as their natural and most deadly enemies.
      Men like Unamuno think independently and
pose questions, revealing the oceans of ignorance that surround even
the most learned of us in our islands of knowledge. They defy the facile
and easy slogans that revolutionaries bander about all too easily.
George Jackson is the spiritual brother of Milan-Astray in their mutual
intolerance and readiness to reshape reality in their minds to make
the world correspond to an idea. And they are similar in their acceptance
of violence in quelling dissenting voices, confident they know exactly
the bold course which need be charted and the enemies to be destroyed.
Instead of answers, thinkers like Unamuno pose questions which are
more interesting and enriching. As another erudite champion of the
mind, Daniel Boorstin, put it: "It is not skeptics or explorers
but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. No agnostic
ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured a pagan, heretic, or an
      Young people of course are the least likely
to think individually and independently. Because they are still young
and relatively malleable, young people are at the most risk to be manipulated
by such "leaders" offering romantic dreams to those bold enough to
reach aggressively for them. History - especially recent history! -
is full of young people committing crimes unaware of the true gravity
of what they were doing and regretting/paying for it for the rest of
their lives! The 1960s in the West were the purest example of this
trend, being truly a childish if tragic decade. Look at the Spanish
Civil War, where nobody emerges with any semblance of innocence. Yet
the murder of innocence should always be looked upon as especially
regrettable since once gone it never really returns.
      So much evil done in the name of good -
perhaps the legacy of so much political violence in the 20th century
will be betrayed idealism! Communism had at heart a theory of history
and political struggle designed to bring about social justice. Claiming
to unleash the downtrodden from their chains, communists nevertheless
(where they achieved power) proceeded to crush the common man in millenarian
one-party States more thoroughly brutal and pervasively oppressive
than those seen before. That megalomaniac leader of Red China Mao Tse-Tung
put it best when he claimed: "Communism is not love. Communism is
a hammer which we use to crush the enemy." The enemy of course
proved to be everyone except for a tiny core of potentates living in
luxury; and the overwhelming majority of the people, in the words of
David Horowitz, languished in "misery and human squalor, deprived
of the life chances afforded the most humble members of the 'enemy'
industrial democracies the Marxists had set out to destroy." Altruistic
communist goals (not surprisingly) of social justice found themselves
forsaken as the all-encompassing "scientific" validity of Marxism led
to ideological absolutism (in theory) and the terror of totalitarian
government (in practice).
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
W.B. Years
The Second Coming
      If the blood-drenched 20th century should
teach us anything, it should teach us this: There need be an affirmation
of the sovereignty of the individual and the ability to choose, lest
a person become a beast of the herd again ready to blindly perform
some new barbarity. We should teach this well to the young so that
they might arrive at adulthood able to think independently and critically
in such a way as to prevent being duped by the less scrupulous among
us. Look at the alternative (fantacism!)
in the Spanish Civil War, where madness gripped the country and after
the blood began to flow there was no going back. The world is never
lacking in scoundrels willing to call people to do evil in the name
of an ancient and unquestioning loyalty to the ties of blood, tribe
and tradition.
      It should not surprise us that so many
like Unamuno who thought independently and with integrity did not survive
the war. Conversely, it should astonish no one that Milan-Astray and
his ilk thrived as sycophants and/or executioners, it being a bad time
for original and independent thinkers and a good time for secret policemen
and toadies. The Spanish Civil War is a perfect historical example
of the victory of unreason over reason and men acting little better
than beasts. It is the victory of thugs ("men of action") like Milan-Astray
over retiring men of learning like Unamuno. All thinking men and women
of civilization should mourn such a "victory."
      Yet regardless of who "won" between the
two on that grim day in Salamanca more than fifty years ago, we clearly
today think more of Unamuno and his ideas than we do of Milan-Astray
and his. Milan-Astray will be remembered as a flunky of a soldier/dictator
who "conquered" his own populace and Unamuno as a voice in the darkness
who said things that still resonate as strongly today as when he first
said them. As Euripides said more than two thousand years earlier: "When
good men die their goodness does not perish, but lives though they
are gone. As for the bad, all that was theirs dies and is buried with
them." Let this webpage live on to tell the story of a distinguished
poet, essayist, novelist, playwright, run out of the university at
      The elderly professor from Salamanca
shows one more time how the pen is ultimately mightier than the sword;
how in the end it is not really possible to kill an idea by pulling
a gun and threatening the old man who thought of it. Through his
example and words, Miguel de Unamuno demonstrates that, yes, thoughts
and thinking really do matter in this world. What is obedience or
loyalty based on fear or force? To persuade or to teach someone else
to see a better way for themselves is the work of God. As Time magazine
recently described the subtle but immensely important ability to
be influential as opposed to only powerful:
"They [the influential among us] have
got other people to follow their lead. They don't necessarily have
the maximum in raw power; instead, they are people whose styles
are imitated, whose ideas are adopted and whose examples are followed.
Powerful people twist your arm. Influentials just sway your thinking."
It may be much more difficult than simply commanding obedience, but
it is infinitely more effective in the long-run in changing the way people
think and live their lives.
      "Death to intelligence and long live
Death?" Milan-Astray and others like him might all too often
win the temporal struggles during their lifetimes, but I would argue
that it is teachers (in whatever form) such as Miguel de Unamuno
whose ideas ultimately shape the world.
...What are numbers knit
By force or custom? Man who man would be,
Must rule the empire of himself; in it
Must be supreme, establishing his throne
On vanquished will, quelling the anarchy
Of hopes and fears, being himself alone.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Political Greatness
* Politics is the art of the possible. Lord Bismark