If there ever will exist peace...
"Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war,
but on the love of peace. It will not be the abstaining from an act,
but the coming of a state of mind. In this sense the most insignifigant
writer can serve peace, where the most powerful tribunals can do
Julien Benda
as presented by Herman Wouk
The Winds of War
"To me a writer is one of the most important soldiers
in the fight for the survival of the human race. He must stay at his
post in the thick of fire to serve the cause of mankind."
Leon Uris
N.Y. Herald Tribune
August 16, 1956

Serb irregular militiamen kick the corpse of Croatian civilian.
Vukovar, Croatia, November 1991
photo by Ron Haviv
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
The Bible, Isaiah

"The Shootings of May Third 1808" by Francisco Goya
1814 Madrid
At the Prado my tour guide told me that Goya used
his own blood to pain the blood of the victims in the above painting!
Man's inhumanity to man:
Francisco Goya
Los Desastres de la Guerra

Saturn Devouring His Son
by Francisco Goya
Look at his eyes!
"Man's inhumanity to man."
Robert Burns