"You have killed?" Robert
Jordan asked in the intimacy of the dark of their day together.
      "Yes. Several times. But not with pleasure.
To me it is a sin to kill a man. Even Fascists whom we must kill.
No. I am against the killing of men."
      "Yet you have killed."
      "Yes. And will again. But if I live
later, I will try to live in such a way, doing no harm to any one,
that it will be forgiven."
      "By whom?"
      "Who knows? Since we do not have God
here any more, neither His Son nor the Holy Ghost, who forgives?
I do not know."
      "You have not God anymore?"
      "No. Man. Certainly not. If there were
God, never would He have permitted what I have seen with my own
eyes. Let them have God."
      "They claim Him."
      "Clearly I miss Him, having been brought
up in religion. But now a man must be responsible to himself."
      "Then it is thyself who will forgive
thee for killing."
      "I believe so," Anselmo said. "Since
you put it clearly in that way I believe that must be it. But with
or without God, I think it is a sin to kill. To take the life of
another is to me very grave. I will do it when necessary but I
am not of the race of Pablo."
      "To win we must kill our enemies. That
has always been true."
      "Clearly. In war we must kill. But
I have very rare ideas," Anselmo said.
      They were walking now close together
in the dark and he spoke softly, sometimes turning his head as
he climbed. "I would not kill even a Bishop. I would not kill a
proprietor of any kind. I would make them work in the fields and
as we work in the mountains with the timber, all of the rest of
their lives. So they would see what man is born to. They should
sleep where we sleep. That they should eat as we eat. But above
all that they should work. Thus they would learn."
      "And they would survive to enslave
thee again."
      "To kill them teaches nothing," Anselmo
said, "You cannot exterminate them because from their seed comes
more with greater hatred. Prison is nothing. Prison only makes
hatred. That all our enemies should learn."