Or, Time for a USTA Tennis Sabbatical?
Almost exactly two years ago I received the totally unexpected news that I would be re-ranked as a 5.0 tennis player in USTA tennis leagues. My world was rocked. I never expected this. And I was looking at being removed from the tennis teams with my buddies that played an important role in my life. As I described, I was being exiled to ”5.0 tennis Siberia.” Here is the meme I used to represent my reaction to the unexpected news of 5.0 re-ranking

But on the third try, a desperate appeal was granted and I stayed at the 4.5 level. I wonder if the USTA finally had pity on me after reading my 3 page long appeal letter and granted it.
So I stayed a 4.5 tennis player in 2022. But 12 months later I was naturally on pins and needles about getting booted up again in the annual reclassification. The days leading up to that moment last year were excruciating, as I felt I had a little PTSD about what happened the year before: there were feelings of fear, dread, and anger about getting possibly bumped up to 5.0 again This might seem to you a minor problem, dear reader, but for me it had major implications for both my tennis game and friends group: the two are intricately interlaced. So here is the meme I made which reflected my state of mind around this time in 2022.

But last year the USTA kept me as a 4.5 – and I was super-relieved. Whew!
Now here we are at that time of the year again (as the USTA emailed me today) for the next year’s re-ranking. My state of mind is different this year. The point of this essay is to explain where my head is around this dynamic.
There are a few websites unaffiliated with the USTA which give their opinion on what the re-rankings will be. One of them has me as a 5.0 –

– while another has me at a 4.5, and this is why I have come to detest this whole process. The USTA NTRP ranking algorithms are opaque and seemingly capricious, and everybody is taking an educated guess as to what they are going to do. I suspect my ranking right now is right on the edge of the 5.0 and 4.5 ranking; my 4.5 ranking is supposedly “very high” and that is highly worrisome:

But I will only know for sure when the re-rankings come out. Nobody really knows what the USTA thinks and why.
At any rate, two years after the original “Apocalypse Now” moment I feel very differently about things. I am more resigned to going to “Tennis Siberia” for a year. I’m less willing to fight. I had some solid losses early in the year, which took some of the pressure off me in this rankings situation. But then I have not lost a match since April, and I had some solid victories over strong players. Does this mean I will be bumped up? Well, I have no idea.
I am tired of worrying about this re-ranking business. I dislike worrying about my ranking in the middle of matches. Have I thought to myself in the heat of competition, “This would be a good match to lose for my ranking.” Yes, I have. Many times. I hate that. Why is a consideration like that running through my mind? In fact, a month ago I was playing against inferior competition and I was bored. During turnovers I was texting my captain about how many games I should throw to the opposition in that match to preserve my ranking. He is always telling me I cannot win 6-0, 6-0 on line one, as that is bad for my NTRB ranking. He urges me to make sure the scores are not lopsided. Here is one such text in the middle of a match:

I don’t like this. I just want to play tennis without this worry. Why am I doing this again?
So I am psychologically ready at this time to go on what I will call a “USTA 5.0 sabbatical.” I am tempted not even to appeal a 5.0 ranking, earning the displeasure of my captain and teammates. I can take a break for a year. Play some singles tournaments. Work on other elements of my game. It is only one year.
I would have thought, “But I will not be able to hang out with my buddies in my weekend USTA match.” That is true. I will miss the tennis with friends, a beer afterwards; the social and athletic matrixes which add substantial value to my life. This is the blow which hit me hard in 2021 when I was first re-ranked. But now I feel resigned to my face. Even ready for it.
As a consequence, the meme which presently captures my emotional state is this one:

I don’t really give a shit about my USTA NTRP ranking. Not anymore. I’m done worrying about it. In two weeks I will either be a 4.5 and happy to play with my buddies in the usual leagues. Or I will be a 5.0 and ready to explore other opportunities. I am open to change, if the USTA forces it on me. I will be fine either way.
In fact, if I am sad at the prospect of going into “5.0 purgatory” for a year, I am also a little excited. I have played a hell of a lot of USTA tennis in the past ten years. I have become jaded about going to sectionals (and mostly losing) yet again, and I struggle to get excited about any of it. I have incipient arthritis in my left knee. I will turn 57-years of age next spring. I’m a bit burnt out. And I can still play with my buddies outside of the USTA leagues. There exist other choices. Maybe it is time to explore new avenues of tennis growth? Temporary exile from USTA tennis leagues ain’t the end of the world.
It is only for a year. At this stage of my life a year is nothing. I feel like I could hold my breath for an entire year. I will be back before anyone notices. I’m good either as a 4.5 or a 5.0 – no worries.
And that is a good state of mind to have. Who needs more pressure and anxiety in their life?
Postscript: On November 30, 2023 I was bumped up to a 5.0 NTRP rating by the USTA, as I feared. I was emotionally prepared for it. In fact, I was almost relieved.