"I just don't understand who you are and why we should spend time listening to you opinions?"
The field values for the form received were:Name="Jennie G."
Findout="Just surfed on in!"
How is life treating you?="GREAT!!!"
I came across your web page while I was trying to do some research on St. Augustine. The one thing that has bothered me about the page is WHY?? I just don't understand who you are and why we should spend time listening to you opinions? Have you published any books? Or are you a lawyer? WHAT?!?!?!? I find it hard to believe any o' person walking down the street, I need credentials and evidence of good will. technically, your web page is amazing. You must have a lot of time on your hands!jennie g."
      Dear Jennie,
      I could tell you who I am and what I do for a living... but I won't. That would be too easy. Instead I would challenge you to simply hear what I have to say, filter it through what you already know and have learned, and reject or accept what you wish. It is the thought which ultimately counts, not the author. If my ideas/opinions don't interest you, it hardly matters who I am.
      I write these webpages because it gives me pleasure and I enjoy expressing my ideas/opinions and discussing them with others. It is all about communication and making something hopefully beautiful, useful, creative.... and a unique expression of myself.
      And if you are still interested virtually anything you might wish to know about me personally is on my website.
      I hope this e-mail finds you well.
      Very Truly Yours,
      Richard Geib
P.S. Maybe you should pay more attention to the people on the street and less to your professors. I have spent much time listening to both types and found that the person on the street often has as much to offer as any cloistered professor.
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 13:45:35 -0500
Frederick Nietzsche
Subject: Nietzsche/Hitler, you, the meaning of life. :P, and other things
To: cybrgbl@deltanet.com
From: Westminster (WACL@westminster.net)Hello! Here's my question: what qualifies you to write on Nietzsche and Hitler?
I need to know so I can attribute it to you in a school report I am doing for a history/english class, in which I am writing a term paper about Nietzsche and how his ideas led to the Holocaust. It's a very interesting paper and subject, but I'd like to quote you, yet...I don't know who you are or why the history and english teachers grading my project will care. If you're just the average Joe in terms of authority when it comes to Nietzsche and Hitler, that's fine, but I need to know that also. Thanks so much for your help!
      Dear Westminster,
      How am I "qualified" to write about Nietzsche and Hitler? Tell your teachers that I am a living thinking person who has read much by/about those men and then employed my brain to try to understand and evaluate their ideas and legacies. That is really all that need be known. You - and your teachers - are fully free to accept or reject what I have written.
      Very Truly Yours,
      Richard Geib
P.S. If they press the issue, tell your teachers that I also am by profession a teacher.