Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 01:22:51 -0800
Subject: Richard Pipe's Comments
At 01:22 AM 1/12/98 -0800, you wrote:
What has always been astonishing to me while reading Pipe's polemical
view of Russian history is his nearly unquestioned assumption that
American "democracy" and "capitalism" is vastly "superior" as a
way of life to that of the Russian way. From the perspective of
a distinguished Harvard professor, "our" way of life certainly
must seem superior to the average Russian's economic struggle from
day to day. Americans, especially affluent Americans, tend to equate
the value of life with material success. In fact, Pipe's work demonstrates
a certain cultural blindness to the possibility that "progress" could
be measured in any other way than material and economic. I doubt
that Pipes ever spent a few weeks in a Russian village living and
interacting with the Russian masses. Russians, in general, do not
equate a satisfying life to economic and material success as closely
as Americans tend to do. In fact, most Russians tend to equate
the "self interest" inherent in capitalism as inimical to their
way of life. And it is. There was no Thaomas Jefferson in Russia,
and the enlightenment was forced on them by Peter the Great and
Catherine. It was not a "natural" development of the Protestant
conquest of North America as it was here. That Protestant drive
for self justification that created America in the 17th, 18th,
and 19th centuries was a historical drive that cannot be repeated
arbitrarily in Russia in the 21st. And it will not be. To stand
Marx on his head and following Weber, I would say in the case of
Russia that the cultural spirit of the people will have as much
to do with the future economic structure of Russia as the economics
imposed by international conditions. And Russia is a land of peasants
who are traditionally sceptical of systems and scornful of self
interest. Russians are not motivated by a democratic voice and
the self interest of a "free" market. I do not claim to know what
motivates them, but it has something to do with what we in the
west often scorn as "intangible" and "spiritual." For Pipes to
be optimistic about democracy and capitalism "taking root" in Russia
is so naive it astonishes me. The ignorance of the importance of
cultural history in the development of governmental institutions
and economic systems is remarkable. Maybe Pipes should work sixty
hours a week with no medical insurance and no retirement plan like
I do. Then maybe he might have a more critical attitude toward
our system. Maybe he could dig potatoes in a Russian village with
the Russians and enjoy a bottle of vodka afterwards and listen
to their attitude toward those who take and do not give back in
the name of creating a material-based, "democractic" society. Pipe's
firm conviction that Russia should be like America escapes me completely.
It is not sound historically, and if I were a Russian, would I
want to be reduced to being a person who worked all the time merely
so that I can buy things? I find it less and less convincing when "experts" who
prosper from a system want to impose that system on others. Let
alone a whole country. The Russian reticence toward capitalism
comes from a cultural tradition that is sceptical of the individual
taking advantage of the group. I am not convinced, as Pipes is,
that this is a fundamentally wrong attitude.
      Dear Milam,
      Life is tough everywhere in the world.
However, it is much tougher in Russia - today, yesterday, probably
tomorrow - than in most of the rest of the world. All I would like
to see in Russia is some society where people did not want for the
basics and live like a bunch of cattle despised and maltreated by
their government. I am not suggesting they work 60 hours per week,
although Stalin did everything he could to make that happen. And
I do not suggest that they become like those in the West, who supposedly
only live to work and shop (I could show you many many examples of
persons in the West who are not so - starting with myself). I just
would hope for the first time in its history Russians could enjoy
a little political freedom without being terrorized by their government
while enjoying the material benefits of the sweat of their brow.
      Yet Russian society seems so corrupt
and the Russian people so averse to taking responsibility for their
future in terms of the 21st century that it makes one almost despair.
I think the vast majority of people would just like a Russia at peace
with itself and the rest of the world - not starving in abject penury,
not exporting revolution to its neighbors, etc. But Russian political
life is so immature - although this may be slowly and painfully changing
- that they hardly know what they want. You mention that the "Russian
reticence toward capitalism comes from a cultural tradition that
is skeptical of the individual taking advantage of the group." That
reminds me of a story a Russian professor told me once: "In England,
if a peasant does well and acquires a new cow, his neighbors think
him prosperous and respect him. In Russia, if a peasant does well
and buys another cow, his neighbors automatically suspect him of
thievery and kill the cow in revenge." Such an attitude does not
bode well for the economy of the country as initiative is stifled
and the industrious penalized. This has been the history as a country
like Russia rich in agricultural resources has had trouble feeding
its people. Look at the pathetic spectacle of thousands of Russian
soldiers urgently being carted off to help labor during the critical
weeks of the harvest season!
      You seem to admire the collectivist spirit
in Russia. But look at how some approximately 5% of the American
population work in agriculture but still grow more than enough food
for the 270 million people in the country. And look at the following
that I read recently from the chariman of a Russian collective farm: "We
work badly, we live poorly, we lose money. But at least we still
have the collective." This seems to me the reality of the "collectivist" spirit
you claim is so powerful in the Russian character. It is the same
loser sentiment one hears from the rural militiamen in Idaho and
unquiet urban minority activists in America. "It may be a piece
of shit, but it is OUR piece of shit!" they exclaim. One need
do better. You talk of harvesting potatoes and then sharing a friendly
bottle of vodka with comrades. I suspect the reality for Russian
peasants is more in the nature of drunken squalor, large-scale, and
pervasive ignorance. They say that bartering has all but replaced
money and that anything not nailed down is stolen! The world progresses
and the Russian peasantry are stuck in the same old rut. Why become
an independent farmer and take responsiblity for your own future?
      It is not realistic to preach a back-to-the-earth
pre-Soviet era Dosteyevskian/Tolstoyan vision of 19th century Russian
peasant spirituality -- which I suspect was as much myth as reality
-- in 1998. One hears the old Communists and neo-Slavophiles talk
of the infection of freedom and the poison of selfish Western individualism,
and it makes me wonder that perhaps no prosperous social order ever
will bloom in the inhospitable soil of Mother Russia. The way of
life enjoyed in the United States and the rest of the West might
not be the exemplar, but if you measure it up against that of Russia
suffering today and yesterday you can draw the inevitable conclusions.
This has a lot to do with the many thousands of Russian émigrés who
live around me here in Los Angeles. They see the way of life they
had in the Soviet Union and now in modern Russia, and they see what
other parts of the world have to offer. And they vote with their
feet and they leave. I would argue that they do not leave and undergo
so much trauma and dislocation because they hate Russian culture
or their Russian countrymen or the way of life there. I suggest that
they do so because the larger political and economic life of that
country has been, is, and most likely - at least in the near future
- will be a disaster. This has everything to do with government.
      Russia, in its colorful history, has
produced peerless music, literature, dance. But Russia has never
had as its forte government. Russia surely does not have its shit
together today in that respect - everyone with eyes to see recognizes
that; everywhere people respect what works. But this has to do with
a Russia which for many centuries has treated its people as little
better than dogs; the crises which erupted after the fall of the
Soviet Union, of course, had everything to do with the larger problems
which had plagued the country for decades - no!, centuries (re: Tsarist
absolutism, the Commissar culture)! Of course the people then take
little responsibility for themselves and the polis. Without such
a change in responsibility, the endemic corruption and brutality
and alcoholism of Russia will not change, in my opinion. Russia need
breed a truly civic culture and something more than a country of
party officials and prols, aristocrats and serfs, masters and slaves.
When I listen to Slozhenitsyn or some other Romantic slavophile talk
about the spiritual destiny of a resurgent Russia led by the strong
hand of some righteous divinely appointed autocrat which brings obedience
and unity to the people without any kind of institutional mediation
or independent civil society, I think they will repeat the mistakes
of the past time and time again.
      The world is every day smaller and smaller
while education is more important than ever as the slow get left
behind as we enter the 21st century in a wired world. What is true
yesterday might not be true today; and Russia needs to do a lot better
in finding out exactly what will be its path in the future. Only
at such a point can that country be said to be "mature" politically.
Although improved in comparison to seven years ago when the corpus
of the Soviet Union was unceremoniously dumped into the ashbin of
history, Russians are a long way from making such claims of maturity
today. Everyone with eyes to see realizes that.
      I would say it again: Life is tough everywhere.
But it sure is a hell of a lot tougher in some places than in others.
      Very Truly Yours,
      Richard Geib
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:18:59 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Pipe's Comments
To: Richard Geib (
I appreciate and agree with many of your ideas about Russia. The thrust
of my comments were directed at Richard Pipes who has academized U.S.
Cold War cultural blindness in regard to Russia. He was one of Reagan's
chief consultants on the Soviet Union, for heaven sakes, and the Reagan
administration was not one of the choicest fruits of the Western cultural
tradition. He is also a Harvard don and part of the elitist culture in
America, a culture that is comfortable and secure and tends to believe
that all cultures would be better off to adapt the American style of
life in which success and satisfaction in life is equated with the selling
and acquiring of goods. In such a culture, all values tend to be reduced
to exchange value, and many traditional values--not always backward--are
forgotten or lost.
The parable that you related about the peasant and the cow in England
and in Russia has a corollary. The English peasant manages to gain an
economic advantage over his fellow peasants so that they are making profit
for him. The Russian peasants manage to alleviate the worst aspects of
the loss of the cow for the unfortunate peasant. Russia is primarily
a land of peasants; the Revolution and the purges drove out or eliminated
most of the aristocracy and the legacy of the nobility of traditional
agriculutral society. Russian peasant society is basically communal;
thus, it is not hard to understand the appeal of socialism. This fact
has good and bad consequences. Russians in general do not like to see
someone get ahead and personally profit at the expense of the group.
On the other hand, they are willing to give up personal gain for the
good of the group. This is, I believe, the major cultural distinction
between the West, with its glorification of individual achievement, and
Russia. It is, as well, something that must be kept in mind when thinking
about Russia's future. Most experts that I hear on the question reduce
the discussion to theoretical questions of economics and government structures.
Those are important; nevertheless, those things will develop within the
context of Russia's folk, peasant culture. I may sound like Spengler
here, but from what I read, this aspect is all too often ignored.
Your idea about the development of civic institutions in Russia is
the thesis of a book by Jonathan Steele entitled "Eternal Russia," an
excellent book that is objective and balanced compared to Pipes's work
which I find to be highly polemical. Steele was Moscow correspondent
for "The Guardian" and lived in Russia for several years. I highly recommend
it. It is the finest book about the events of the early 90s that I have
read. David Remnick's books are also very good, but he writes journalism.
Steele writes history and analysis.
Nevertheless, the development of civic institutions as a counterweight
to monolithic government is probably the only way Russia will avoid another
totalitarian system. The prospects are not good. Two years ago, I spent
a year in Russia teaching at Irkutsk State University in Siberia. I spent
much time in small Russian villages and much time discussing the future
of Russia with people from all political positions. One thing that almost
all Russians share is a belief that a strong leader will lead them out
of their troubles and make Russia great again. I am not convinced that
this attitude and the basic peasant mentality will easily or quickly
change. Intercourse with the rest of the world can have a major influence,
but the development of civic institutions is something that probably
has to come about in some long and "natural" development. I am not sure
how that can occur.
Are you familiar with the ideas of Nickolai Danilevsky? Or Dostoevsky's "Diary
of a Writer"? The ideas of these two radical nationalists can give one
an idea of the daunting task of creating a Russia in which individual
rights are respected in the context of the "national destiny."
I suppose the pessimistic view that can come out of this is the idea
that Russians often willingly sacrifice their own comfort and at times
person for the cause of the Third Rome and Orthodoxy. As bizarre as this
may sound to Americans of the 21st century, I found it to be harrowingly
true to a high degree. Often when Russians today talk of their family
members lost during the Stalin years, they do so with a sense of inevitability
and necessity.
Thanks for the thoughts,
      Dear Milam,
      I read your comments with no little interest
and amazement, as I always place enormous stock in such first-hand
experience. That Russians after Lenin and Stalin - not to mention
Tsars innumerable! - could still find government by a single powerful
leader attractive seems to symbolize the triumph of optimism over
experience. One begins to lose respect for the average Russian peasant
and his "folk culture" when one hears such things. It seems they
can hardly see farther than their own nose, and would follow any
demagogue or blowhard if he was "strong" or promised the moon. These
Russian peasants you write about sound like a bunch of good-natured
sheep! One wonders if they await another wolfish despot ready to
devour them by the tens of millions!
      Well, this will all be worked out in
Russia by the Russians themselves. I just hope if they decide to
flush themselves down the toilet they do so without pulling anyone
down with them. Perhaps it is a self-fulfilling prophecy in thievery-ridden
Russia that one person succeeds only at the cost of the larger community.
Perhaps, as in the parable you tell me, Russia in the best case scenario
will be not much more than "unfortunate peasants" whose misery is
alleviated by killing someone else's cow.
      Very Truly Yours,
Can Russia realize a functioning constitutional
democracy without an Enlightenment tradition? Or is despotism in
Russia an inherently national trait?
Respondent: "There was no Thomas Jefferson
in Russia, and the enlightenment was forced on them by Peter the
Great and Catherine."

Thomas Jefferson
"I have no fear but that the result of our
experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves
without a master." -- Jefferson in 1787 letter to David Hartley
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:00:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Form Submission from
X-UIDL: 6a6b8115daf91ce38552f741eee9519e EMAIL_ADDR:
EMAIL_SUBJECT: Feedback and or Questions
Name: Greg
I want to begin by complimenting you on a truly fine site. I found it through
the Jane Fonda
and Vietnam War page; a friend had forwarded excerpts from several
accounts of captive servicemen and their experiences with Ms. Fonda during
her visit to N. Vietnam. Knowing little of the context for these accounts,
I checked out your page. What is the consensus on the authenticity of
the transcript. The language appears rather scripted to me; perhaps it
was. The most interesting feature of the page for me, however, was the
collection of responses. Kudos to you for not being baited and responding
to the ad hominem attacks in kind.
My main motivation for writing is you Russia and democracy page.
While I share your frustration over the glacial pace of both economic
reform and the evolution of democratic institutions, I think your
assessment of the inexplicable apathy of the Russian people is an
excellent illustration of how different our cultures are and why
Americans view Russia with growing exasperation. My reaction to the
anecdote about the jealous peasants and the cow was, when I first
heard it, much the same as yours. The peasants' reaction to their
neighbor's prosperity seems counter-productive. In our age of mechanization
and surplus production, this type of rabid communalism seems absurd.
It is important to remember, however, that our country evolved at
a time shaped by the political ideology of Rousseau and the budding
Industrial Revolution. Our culture (if one can speak of an American
culture) was shaped by these influences. Russian communal culture,
which, I believe, profoundly effects thhe economic, social and political
behavior and attitudes of contemporary Russians, evolved in a region
where even subsistance was threatened by a considerably less forgiving
natural environment and the constant incursions of agressive, militarily
superior neighbors. The rugged individualism of the early American
farmer striking out into the wilderness to stake his claim does not
hold the same heroic value in Russian history. Vanya Iablosemechko
(my invariably incorrect translation for Johnny Appleseed)would not
have made it. The economies of scale and security in numbers made
communal settlements viable where individual homesteads failed. Laws
and customs, some rather draconian, were established to reinforce
the community and to suppress the individual. Individualism was not
only dangerous to the maverick; it threatened the survival of the
larger community which depended on his/her participation. Keeping
this is in mind, the hostility and suspicion with which the peasant
community looks at the entrepreneurial individual is perhaps not
so surprising. Social modes created to sustain life have deep roots
and persist long after the conditions that gave rise to them have
changed. Furthermore, while conditions in modern Russia do not bear
a particularly close resemblance to those of the 6th-century forest-steppe
region, some variation of communal living, both voluntary and compulsory,
has been a feature of life for most of Russia's population until
the present day.
The appeal to a strong prince or tsar to come to the rescue of
the people by smiting their foes and freeing them from the abuses
of evil lords and ministers is also very deeply rooted in Russian
literary and political traditions and the collective psyche.
How is life treating you?: Ebb and flow, wax and wane
Findout: Just surfed on in!
Age: 30
State?: CA
Country?: USA