"I loved you; and I probably still do..."
"...Made up a love so tender and so true,
As may God grant you to be loved again."
I loved you; and I probably still do,
And for awhile the feeling may remain--
But let my love no longer trouble you:
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew
The jealousy, the shyness -- though in vain --
Made up a love so tender and so true,
As may God grant you to be loved again.
Aleksander Pushkin
"An Elegy"
The senseless years' extinguished mirth and laughter
Oppress me like a hazy morning-after.
But sadness of days past, like alcohol,
The older on, the stronger in my soul.
My course is dull. The future's troubled ocean
Portends me work, misfortunes and commotion.
But no, my friends, I do not want to leave;
To live I want, so as to think and grieve,
And I will have my share of delectations
Amid the pains, concerns and agitations:
At times again I'll savor harmony,
Melt into tears about a fantasy,
And on my sad decline, to ease affliction,
Yet love may shine a smile of valediction.