Altruism, Communism, Christianity, Thoreau

Fri Sep 11 13:55:44 1998
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Name="Ben Harkin"
Findout="Quite by accident"
How is life treating you?="Better than I can express in words,...and
I'm an English major!!"
comments="I wrote you earlier, but I keep finding things on your page
I want to talk about. but, I suppose the constraints of cyberspace will
be the biggest barrier in that desire. Just wanted ask your oppinion
in the difference of Communism and Altruism, because it seems to me that
you regard them both in the same; certainly, they are not. So feel free
to write back.
       Dear Brian,
       There is, in the theory of communism,
a great deal of altruism. The Marxist theory holds that the rise
of the proletariat will bring about the death of the ruling class
and the end of the historical dialectic and a utopian society of "each
according to his ability, each according to his need." The Trappist
monk and author Thomas Merton was correct in finding a parallel between
the early Christians and the communist faith. Before the show trials
and mass slaughter and starvation of the communist regimes came to
the light of the world, young idealistic people worldwide flirted
and were seduced by the credo of communism. This has led to the present
state of affairs where people are deeply distrustful of political
idealism and ideologies. The irony is that he who would play the
angel often instead plays the devil. Who can say otherwise? And it
certainly matters not much to the Russian peasant whether he is oppressed
by a Tsar or a Comissar. It is the same at ground level.
       I read with interest your webpage.
I can hardly believe that anyone would claim how it is "cool" to
be stupid - or worse, believe it. Such persons embarrass themselves
- you hardly need raise your pen in their censure. If all those who
surround you at the university are idiots in this way and then you
disagree with them, you are hardly less correct for being in the
minority. Perhaps you wrote so that your fellow students could look
at themselves and see the folly of their thinking. As Thoreau stated, "I
do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily
as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to
wake my neighbors up."
       I like your passion and willingness
to take a position on an issue which is not easy or trivial. However,
I think you go a bit too far. There are philosophers - the Roman
stoics, for example - who would live a life of the mind to the exclusion
of their human relationships. But Socrates, Jesus, Jefferson, Sir
Isaiah Berlin, Voltaire, and many others were all first-rate thinkers
who none the less mixed easily and happily with their fellow men
and women. It is true that is something in Thoreau which is a bit
arch and aloof - as if he were looking down on the rest of mankind.
He was obviously one of those people who find it more easy to say "yes" than "no";
I probably never would have been his friend. But he wrote against
his fellow Concordians out of love and in the hopes that they would
stop living lives of "quiet desperation" and instead strive to be
       Thoreau wanted that each American
should use his intellectual powers to embrace that which truly suits
him and makes him happy - as so few did then and do today. Who can
deny the truth that most people simply strive to survive or "get
ahead" instead of living a life devoted to happiness and principle?
Is this crass materialism not even more prevalent today than in the
mid-19th century? What about the lawyer with the Porsche who works
80 hours a week and still is on the verge of blowing his brains out?
The young woman who feels she is a "failure" if she does not have
a giant house and gobs of disposable income by the time she is 30?
You see in his writing that, for him, to live simply on the shores
of Walden Pond in harmony with nature was happiness incarnate - whereas
for you perhaps that is too remote and cut off from human relationships
(as it is for me). But I doubt Thoreau would begrudge that which
makes you happy, and would ask as much from you in return. Thoreau
writes, "I would not stand between any man and his genius; and to
him who does this work, which I decline, with his whole heart and
soul and life, I would say, Persevere, even if the world call it
evil, as it is most likely they will."
       Thoreau, as well as the vast majority
of philosophers, wrote that the greatest glory was to live a life
of happiness through principle. To quote one last time Thoreau, "There
are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers. Yet
it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live.
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even
to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to
its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and
trust. It is to solve some of the problems of life, not only theoretically,
but practically." He says nothing about living as a hermit; and thusly
he never did live. He never found a "companion more companionable
than solitude", but he still lived as a member of Concord, had visitors,
went into to town.
       They say that nothing is so absurd
that some philosopher has not already said it; and famous thinkers
through history often directly contradict each other. However, few
of them would say live selfishly and independent of others - not
even Thoreau would agree with that. Most philosophers would simply
say there is no true happiness without living the examined life,
searching for truth, and striving to know oneself (and skimming through
your "Thoughts Archive" and reading some of your ruminations, I think
you know as much.) Don't mistake the forest for the trees.
       Be well out there in Oregon.
       Very Truly Yours,
       Rich Geib
P.S. "The whole life of the philosopher is a preparation for death," said
Cicero. You might appreciate this quote more when you find yourself
closer to death than birth. To put this whole argument in the context
of my whole life, check out the following URL:
At 01:56 AM 9/12/98 -0700, you wrote:
Let me first say that I am thankful for your reply, intrigued
by your response, and flattered by your interest in my writing.
I suppose I'll takle my reply (my hope is to keep this route
of communication readily open) in a line-by-line basis so as not
to confuse myself. I think the area where we disagree in the area
of our Communism discussion is that I beleive you are writing off
the thoughts and dreams of Karl Marx with the barbarism of Lenin,
Stalin, and any other political dog that pushes Communism. Let
me assure you, I am not one of the college students who hold dearly
and tightly to the dying institution, I am opposed as you as to
it. But the writings of Karl Marx do not speak of running nations
with terror and a disregard for humanity. Instead of the selfishness
of Lenin and the like, Marx was an advocate of selflessness. I
often find that many people regard Marx himself as the father of
Communism and thus think him a devil. How ironic that if people
were to actually read him, they would find that he holds many the
same ideals as Jesus Christ. Altruism: helping one another, acting
out of grace instead of intimidation. Communism, under close speculation,
does take a perverted form of Marx's theories for it's economics,
but pulls from the likes of Rand for it's authority. True, Rand
was certainly from from living at the time, but the whole mindset
of living for your own ambition is what inspires Communism, and
not the passive-generous writings of Marx.
Moving on, I do fear we come to a certain disagreement in regards
to Throeau. While Throeau did write such claims that he would not
inhibit anyone's genius nor disrespect anyone's vessel of happines,
no matter who the man, I find Throeau lived his life as a hypocrite,
defying all his writings concerning his passiveness for people.
Throeau, you may well know, was arrested for not paying a tax to
fund the Mexican War (I believe) and was thrown into jail. His
dearest friend, Emerson, came to pay his bail and to pay the value
of the tax due, but Throeau refused saying with spoiled pride that
he did not want to taken from out the spotlight he had been placed
sice the whole ordeal began. Emerson questioned why Throeau was
doing this, and Throeau turned around and asked Emerson why he
wasn't. Throeau said that emerson ought (out of moral obligation)
to be in the cell with him. This stunt along with his move to Walden
only lead me to beleive that Throeau was nothing more than a philisophical
showman, wanting fame and public response more than he did wisdom
and truth. While some of his wirintgs are great, his life was nothing
but ambitious trek after ambitious trek, and this ambition seemed
to poison his writing and devalue it greatly.
How I digress. The whole point of that "thought" was to simply
say that just because an idea was tagged as a philosophy doesn't
necessarily mean it is true in all cases and has no fault. To someone
who is well-read like yourself, this is no major revelation. However,
keep in mind where my settings are. I am at a state university
which in some way hold the stench of public highschool. This essay
was probably spurred by a class discussion regarding Plato's "Allegory
of the Cave." One young man was insisting that the allegory was
radical and unfair (I admittedly agree with him), but he was quickly
silenced by his peers and professor because he had no authority
to denounce the likes of Plato. You cannot understand how this
makes my blood boil. I believe that there are no OPINIONS better
than another, and so this guy's opinion held no authority over
Plato's, and in the same regard, neither did Plato's over his.
And finally, yes, I will begin to appreciate quotes such as this
more as I near my time of death, but who is to say that I am not
near it already? Does the fact that I have not yet reached what
the world's view of "true adulthood" make this quote anyless valuable
to me? I insist that it does not. I am as ready for death as a
65-year-old man with heart problems. "I am not a cynic, more of
a realist" (to pull from Dead Poet's Society). If you knew me,
you would be certain that I am not a cynic; however, I do pursue
life with possibilities of the unexpected in mind. Perhaps, if
you'd like, I'll send you an essay I have written on Adultism (no,
i'm not accusing you of anything =)), I think you may find it interesting.
I am certainly enjoying this exchange, and I hope it does not
yet come to an end. If you do fine time, I humbly insist you write
       Dear Ben,
       Granted that Christianity and Marxism
have in them the germ of idealism. However, I care not only that
a person have idealistic motivations in their life and work but also
that the results of their work help rather than harm people. When
taken too far, idealists (who brook no compromise) often -- even
with very the best of motivations -- do great harm while trying to
do good. If you look at Robespierre, Lenin, the various Inquisitors,
you will see the wild-eyed look of the true believer. Despite their
differences in philosophy, I see little difference between a Maoist
ready to blow up Wall Street, a radical Muslim eager to blow up an
embassy, or a fundamentalist Christian disposed to explode an abortion
clinic. As historian Daniel Boorstin says, "It is not skeptics
or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress.
No agnostic ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured a pagan,
a heretic, or an unbeliever." These people look at mankind as
sick and in need of drastic, painful (bloody, if need be) surgery;
and only two steps behind the true-believing zealot acting decisively
in the name of the Good and the Just we find the Inquisitor, the
Secret Police. Life is cruel; they make it crueler.
       I personally find Christianity to
be a much more interesting faith than Communism. But I do not see
a huge difference between Marx and Lenin: read "The Communist Manifesto" and
it reaks of hateful invective, revolutionary passion, an absolute
moral certainty as to victims and victimizers and a stridently militant
tone, "...the proletariat will be the gravediggers of the bourgeoisie." Christianity
and Communism are both rooted in a romanticized eschatology promising
that the meek should inherit the earth, but a writer's tone is almost
more important that what he says; Marx is dogmatic, angry, the Moses
risen up in wrath: a warrior. At least Jesus preached universal love,
even if persons innumerable have been burnt in His name. I say it
one more time: I care not what the motivation of a person be if he
or she only adds fuel to the fire. (As Montaigne reminds us ironically, "Man
is neither angel nor brute, and the unfortunate thing is that he
who would act the angel acts the brute.") Lenin is simply Marx
interposed onto the real world in a backwards country with a long
history of absolutism; the 19th century reformers in Western Europe
owe more to Jeremy Bentham and the Utilitarians than to Marx. Lenin
is Marx writ large; he is the theory made real: they are both fellow
soldiers against the pernicious Evil of Capital and Private Property.
       But there has always been this absolute
idea of Messianism in Russia: look at Stalin, the ex-seminarian,
and the other sons of priests and intellectuals in the Marxist vanguard
movement. Contemporary Russian writer Viktor Erofeyev writes, "What
was imported in Western Marxism will vanish. But Communism will not
dissapear, inasmuch as the spirit of collectivism is at the heart
of this nation. The nation will always say 'we' rather than the Anglo-Saxon
'I'." Maybe we will have another mass movement of messianism
in Russia's future? The Russian Orthodox Church as the re-vived "Third
Rome" of Tsarist ambition? A resurgent and sullen economic pigmy
but nuclear-armed military superpower with an attitude and a grudge?
I remember in one of Dostoyevski's novels a police inspector talking
about how he fears revolutionaries who believe in God more than all
the others. What barbarity will they not commit in the name of God?
To what new collective Idol will the Russians voluntarily surrender
their personal freedom?
       I am well acquainted with Thoreau's
life. Thoreau only wanted people to be happier than he saw them,
sweating to try and make money and work all day long and night, too.
He preached a form of individualism which claimed that a man should
seek spiritual truth above all things; he claimed that was where
happiness (and I agree with him) was to be found: in a life of principle.
The polar opposite of Thoreau is Franklin and his thrift and industry:
one can learn from both thinkers. You claim that egoism was Thoreau's
motivation in going to Walden. I would claim that he went there in
the desire to be happier than he had been in town. And who, after
reading his words, can doubt that he succeeded? There is an idealism
in Thoreau which is offputting to me - he would make no compromises
with the larger world, and live in large part outside of it and away
from its pleasures. But even as I choose not to live thusly, the
germ of his philosophy can teach me much.
       I wonder if you are projecting onto
him. If it true he had made perhaps pride an indulgence, but look
at the rhapsody and ecstasy of his most lyrical passages and you
see he did not live in vain or unhappily. Thoreau shows us we live
not to live to think, but think to live better. Look at how many
people do not do that! Look at how many people ARE unhappy! They
stumble desperately through life without even thinking about what
they are doing other than at a very low level! Thoreau asks how many
people can date the moment when they read a book which changed their
lives. Thoreau - and many others - have written such books. They
write them not only for selfish reasons.
       I do not doubt that you have contemplated
your mortality and are ready for the fall of the sword of Damocles
when it comes. However, if you live under the specter of death as
does an elderly man with heart problems, I would say that is a great
waste. The vigors and enthusiasms of youth are to be enjoyed while
they last; to cling to visions of decrepitude and death is to spite
the gift of youth. Such gloomy introspection come naturally in the
fullness of time as the body decays, parents die, friends die, regrets
accumulate, etc. A young man in war might be looking at his death
up close as it surrounds and reaches out for him; such a person ceases
to be young very quickly. I hope you are able to enjoy the pleasures
of being young longer. I had so many fabulous romantic adventures
and awesome evenings of sharing and exploration with my female co-eds
in college! More than a decade removed from all that and in a different
phase of my life, I realize the time was priceless! But I have seen
that with age comes experience and suffering which (hopefully) brings
a modicum of wisdom. With wisdom comes sadness, and the end of youth.
Maybe that is "adultism," but it is how I see it.
       Be well.
       Very Truly Yours,
I am afraid that I misresprestented myself, as I feared
i might have after clicking on "send," while discussing my view of
death. Thank you for your concern, however, I do not consider myself "haunted
by the spectar of death,"...=). If you'llgive me anotehr chance,
I'll try to project how I feel accurately, seeing as how it is much
earlier my say than it was at the time of my last message. I honestly,
and not boastfully, consider myself one of the only truely happy
people that I have run across in my life. To say that I am constantly
thinking of death, or even fearing it, would be inaccurate. I would
not say, though, that I would not have my soul prepared should the
occasion arise.
Though I have experienced considerably less than most people,
you for exapmle, this does not mean that all those older than
me are necessarily wiser. I imagine that right now, you are sitting
back with your arms crossed, smiling, and thinking "arrogant
youth." Let me go further. Just because a man may be another's
senior by even 20 years, does not mean that man is more valuable
to anyone; it all depends on the man. Creativity, honesty, motivation--all
these things are wonderful things and are of great value. The
worth of these things seem to deteriorate with age, commonly,
and that is a shame.
These and many other things are what I hold against this useless
institution that is adultism,..."With wisdom comes sadness." Why
is that do you think? Certainly it isn't because people begin
to find that life is unenjoyable. Certainly it can't be because
people find thier life's toils, moments of teary-eyed happiness,
heart-wrenching moments of passion, and moments of untold glory
and victory have all lost their value upon nearing death! I believe
that this is true in most cases because their creativity has
been discouraged from thier first day of world-worthy education.
In the thoughts of Gordon MacKenzie, author of "Orbiting the
Giant Hairball" (a remarkable book and I recomend it), children
are inadvertently discouraged to be artists, and thus this world
is somewhat starving for artists and creative minds. But, I've
bored you enough with that.
To bring 2 subjects to one, both Thoreau and Marx have written
wonderful works. But, to discount Marx's on the sole ideal that
if taken in radicality that it may be dangerous, but to insist
the works of Thoreau to be safe and prusuable is a bit contrary.
Any philosophy, ideal, or moraliyt is dangerous if poisoned by
the ignorant. Marx and Lenin conflict with one another on nearly
every level because Lenin was not only ignorant, but also ambitious,
selfish, and blood-thirsty--a nasty concoction. Marx was not
a wild-eyed revolutionist as you seem to interpret, but rather
a thinker and writer like myself and you. To confuse the two
is tragic.
As to the life of Thoreau himself, we seem to disagree there,
as well. Whereas I see things like the refusal to pay the tax
for the Mexican War and his Walden excapade as publicity stunts
for his own glory, you see them as honest pursuals of a wonderfully
honest lifestyle. If Thoreau did preach pacifism, why did he
not live it? Why would those in contact with him (even Emerson)
describe him as immature, impracticle, and a claude? Thoreau
was a dreamer, which I admire, but he was too much an advocate
for himself.
Finally, if I may spark a new subject, what do you think is
a fair definition of maturity? Not the United States definition,
mind you, your's. This is simply to quench my own curiosity.
Also, feel free to ask me any questions regarding my beliefs
or understandings; I would be glad to answer them.
Again, thank you, again for your time, and I hope to hear your
A discussion on Communism, contemporary education, idealism,
and realpolitik.
"Communism in and of itself is
valuable in providing a counterpoint to our most cherished
ideas of How The World Should Be."
to Commuism:
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